Power System Planning And Reliability MCQ
1) Operations generated forecasts often not to do with
a. Inventory requirements
b. Resource needs
c. Time Requirements
d. Sales
2) Which of the following is not true for forecasting?
a. Forecasts are rarely perfect
b. The underlying casual system will remain same in the future
c. Forecast for group of items is accurate than individual item
d. Short range forecasts are less accurate than long range forecasts
3) Which of the following is not a forecasting technique?
a. Judgemental
b. Time series
c. Time horizon
d. Associative
4) In which of the following forecasting technique, subjective inputs obtained from various sources are analyzed?
a. Judgemental forecast
b. Time series forecast
c. Associative model
d. All of the above
5) In which of the following forecasting technique, data obtained from past experience is analyzed?
a. Judgemental forecast
b. Time series forecast
c. Associative model
d. All of the above
6) Delphi method is used for
a. Judgemental forecast
b. Time series forecast
c. Associative model
d. All of the above
7) Short term regular variations related to the calendar or time of day is known as
a. Trend
b. Seasonality
c. Cycles
d. Random Variations
8) The demand for period t-2 and t-1 is 10 and 12 cases respectively. As per naïve method, the demand for next period ‘t’ is
a. 10
b. 11
c. 12
d. 14
9) Calculate four periods moving average forecast from the last six periods
a. 40
b. 41
c. 42
d. 43
10) Calculate a weighted average forecast using a weight of .50 to the most recent period, .40 for the next recent period and .30 for the next period
a. 46.6
a. F = a - bt
b. F = a + bt
c. F = 2a - bt
d. F = 2a + bt
12) If the actual demand for a period is 100 units but forecast demand was 90 units. The forecast error is
a. -10
b. +10
c. -5
d. +5
13) The load forecasting is method to predict _______.
a. Past loads
b. Present loads
c. Future loads
d. None of these
14) The load forecasting methods give ___________ values.
a. Precise
b. Accurate
c. Not accurate
d. None of these
15) Depending upon chosen time period of study load forecasting maybe classified as _______
a. Short term
b. Medium term
c. Long term
d. All of these
16) Loads are classified into ______
a. Residential load
b. Commercial load
c. Industrial load
d. Other loads
e. All of these
a. Weather condition
b. Time factors
c. Special events
d. Class of customers
e. All of these
18) The load having less time period with larger variations is called __________
a. Residential load
b. Commercial load
c. Industrial load
d. Other loads
19) The load which occur for larger period as compared to the residential load is called_________
a. Residential load
b. Commercial load
c. Industrial load
d. Other loads
20) Which load having constant power demand____________.
a. Residential load
b. Commercial load
c. Industrial load
d. Other loads
21) The municipal loads, railway loads, traffic and government loads is come under category of __________.
a. Residential load
b. Commercial load
c. Industrial load
d. Other loads
22) ___________ is calculation of future load consumption based on various historical data and information available as per consumer pattern.
b. Load forecasting
c. Markov method
d. Bath tub method
23) The load curve describe_____
a. Generation with respect to load
b. Variation of load with respect to time
c. Generation with respect to time
d. None of above
24) Load forecasting is nothing but to estimate
a. Deterministic part
b. Stochastic part
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
25) In Load forecasting, The present and lead time is represented by
a. σ,j
b. Π,k
c. Χ, l
d. None of the above
26) Load forecasting method are
a. Extrapolation
b. Correlation
c. Combination of a and b
d. All of the above
a. Curve fitting to present data
b. Extrapolation of past data
c. Extrapolation of present data
d.Curve fitting to previous data available
i. Straight line A.α+βσ+γσ2+η3
ii. Parabolic B.α+βσ+γσ2
iii. S-curve C. α+βσ
iv. exponential D.γΕσ
v. Gempertz E. ln-1
a. i-A, ii-B, iii-C, iv-D, v-E
b. i-C, ii-B, iii-A, iv-D, v-E
c. i-A, ii-B, iii-D, iv-C, v-E
d. i-D, ii-B, iii-A, iv-C, v-E
29) Which of the following method is generally adapted for curve fitting
a. Weighted least square
b. Extrapolation least square
c. Least square
d. None of above
30) Which of the following techniques is the basic for extrapolation?
a. Square extrapolation
b. Parabolic extrapolation
c. Exponential extrapolation
d. None of the above
31) The correlation technique relates system load to
a. Various demographic factors
b. Economic factors
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
32) What is the disadvantage of correlation methods?
a. Required more past data for analysis
b. Required more data space
c. Less accuracy
d. Load forecasting for demographic and economic factors is difficult
33) Which of the following is the simplest form of stochastic time series model?
a. Generalize load modelling
b. Estimation of periodic components
c. Time Estimation
d. Auto-regressive model
34) Kalman filtering algorithm is widely used for
a. Short term or very short term load forecasting
b. Long term load forecasting
c. Medium load forecasting
d. Very long term load forecasting
35) Limitation of Kalman and prediction techniques
a. Required large time to estimate
b. Depends on availability of required state variable model of the
load data which is not available at starting
c. Require more space to data storage
d. All of above
36) Which of the following approaches is utilized to overcome the limitation of kalman and prediction method?
a. Time series
b. Average and tread term
c. Innovation model
d. None of the above
37) Which among the below mentioned types of redundancy exhibits maximum failure rate?
a. Cold standby
b. Warm or Tepid
c. Hot or Active
d. All of the above
38) Which among the following exhibits inversely proportional relationship with the reliability?
a. Production cost
b. Design and development cost
c. Maintenance and repair cost
d. All of the above
39) What is the failure cost of a product possessing reliability R=1?
a. Zero
b. Unity
c. Infinity
d. None of the above
40) What is /are the major purpose/s of using a bath tub curve?
a. To determine the capital maintenance in defense equipments.
b. To compute lifts in the distillation column
c. To decide the maintenance of equipment
d. All of the above
41) Which method prevents the operating condition that exceeds beyond 50% of the maximum rating in order to improve the system reliability?
a. Parts Improvement Method
b. Structural Redundancy
c. Effective & creative Design
d. Derating of components
42) Which type of availability deals with the probability of system operation and functioning at the requisite level in an ideal environment without any consideration of maintenance?
a. Inherent availability
b. Achieved availability
c. Operational availability
d. None of the above
43) What would be the composite failure rate of a system comprising one VLSI microprocessor with 6 SSI ICs and 10 resistors corresponding to the data given below?
Assume a single board system
PCB 2000 FIT
R 20 FIT
VLSI microprocessor 600 FIT
a. 1250 FIT
b. 2400 FIT
c. 3220 FIT
d. 4520 FIT
44) What would happen, if an equipment possesses reliability and maintainability to the maximum extent in accordance to MTTR?
a. Failure rate is higher & downtime is longer
b. Failure rate is lower & downtime is longer
c. Failure rate is higher & downtime is shorter
d. Failure rate is lower & downtime is shorter
45) On which factors does the down-time of an equipment at the maintainability phase, depends
a. Design
b. Installation
c. Both a & b
d. None of the above
46) How is the reliability of a product specified?
a. Always less than 1
b. Always greater than 1
c. Always equal to 1
d. None of the above
47) Which type of maintenance is associated or concerned with an elimination of failures during the operational level of an equipment?
a. Preventive
b. Predictive
c. Breakdown
d. Capital
48) Which among the below mentioned parameters is/are associated with the quality of a device
a. Time & environmental conditions
b. Numerical value
c. Manufacturing of unit
d. All of the above
49) According to exponential law of reliability, the relationship between the reliability and the system failure due to consistency in occurrence of failure rate, can be generally expressed as _________
a. R = λt
b. R = -λt
c. R = e λt
d. R = e- λt
50) Which type of failures occur due to some major reason by terminating the functioning level for a long duration of time?
a. Initial failures
b. Early failures
c. Wear out failures
d. Catastrophic failures
51) Which stage of life-cycle associated with an electronic instrument plays a vital role in establishing a target figure for reliability in terms of specifications?
a. Design
b. Production
c. Storage & Transport
d. Operation
52. The Bathtub curve indicates failure probability, Which stage is NOT normally associated with the bathtub curve?_________
a. Normal-life where few failures occur
b. Wear-out where failure increases due to age
c. Infant-mortality where failures occur early
d. Pulling the plug where production is halted due to unacceptable level of failures
53. Failure occurs due to defective parts during the_________.
a. Wear out stage
b. Normal life stage
c. Early life stage
54. What refers to wear out failure_________.
a. Increasing failure rate
b. Decreasing failure rate
c. Depends upon type of the experiment
d. Depends upon the subject
55. What is /are the major purpose/s of using a bath tub curve?
a. To determine the capital maintenance in defense equipments
b. To compute lifts in the distillation column
c. To decide the maintenance of equipment
d. All of the above
56. What is the failure cost of a product possessing reliability R=1?
a. Zero
b. Unity
c. Infinity
d. None of the above
57. Which among the following exhibits inversely proportional relationship with the reliability?
a. Production cost
b. Design and development cost
c. Maintenance and repair cost
d. All of the above
58. Which among the below mentioned types of redundancy exhibits maximum failure rate?
a. Cold standby
b. Warm or Tepid
c. Hot or Active
d. All of the above
59. Which of the following is not a phase of bath tub curve of hardware reliability?
a. Useful life
b. wear out
c. Time
d. Burn-in
60. What is bath tub curve stands for?
a. maintenance schedule
b. failure rate
c. vibration chart
d. viscosity chart
61. Which one of the following relationships is incorrect?
ANS: f(t) = -dF(t)/ dt
62. Which of the following is not considered a reliability design method________.
a. Parts selection
b. Derating
c. Accessibility
d. Choice of technology
63. The probability density function of a Markov process is___________.
a. p(x1,x2,x3.......xn) = p(x1)p(x2/x1)p(x3/x2).......p(xn/xn-1)
b. p(x1,x2,x3.......xn) = p(x1)p(x1/x2)p(x2/x3).......p(xn-1/xn)
c. p(x1,x2,x3......xn) = p(x1)p(x2)p(x3).......p(xn)
d. p(x1,x2,x3......xn) = p(x1)p(x2 *x1)p(x3*x2)........p(xn*xn-1)
64. Markov analysis is a technique that deals with the probabilities of future occurrences by__________.
a. Using Bayes' theorem
b. Analyzing presently known probabilities
c. Time series forecasting
d. The maximal flow technique
65. How is reliability and failure intensity related to each other?
a. Direct relation
b. Inverse relation
c. No relation
d. None of the mentioned
66. What is MTTF ?
a. Maximum time to failure
b. Mean time to failure
c. Minimum time to failure
d. None of the mentioned
67. What is MTTR ?
a. Mean Time To Restore
b. Mean Time To Repair
c. Mean Time To Recovery
d. Mean Time to Restoration
68. Measure of reliability is given by ______ .
a. Mean Time between success
b. Mean reliable
c. Mean Time between failure (MTBF)
69. Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) is the time needed to repair a failed equipment/component.
a. True
b. False
c. Can't say
d. None
70. Which one of the below is measured by MTBF?
a. Tolerance
b. Life time
c. Reliability
d. Quality
71. What is the area under a conditional Cumulative density function ?
a. 0
b. Infinity
c. 1
d. Changes with CDF
72. Reliability is a measure of the result of the quality of the product over ________.
a. the short run
b. the long run
c. the medium run
d. the moderate run
73. What is the failure cost of a product possessing reliability R=1?
a. Zero
b. Unity
c. Infinity
d. None of the above
74. What is MTTF ?
a. Maximum time to failure
b. Mean time to failure
c. Minimum time to failure
d. None of the mentioned
75. If two systems are connected in series with reliabilities are 1 and 0.9 then total reliability_______.
a. 0.91
b. 1.9
c. 0.9
d. 0.95
Explanation :
SERIES System :
When components are in series and each component has a reliability RI If one component fails, the system fails.
![]() |
Series system reliability |
1. The overall reliability of a series system shown above is :
2. R AB = R1 x R2 x R3
3. If R1 = R2 = R3 = 0.95
4. RAB = R1 x R2 x R3 = 0.95 x 0.95 x 0.95 = 0.86
5. R total is always < than R1 or R2 or R3
76. Which one of the below is measured by MTBF_______.
a. Tolerance
b. Life time
c. Reliability
d. Quality
77. What are the units of LOLE________.
a. week/days
b. days/year
c. year/week
d. week/year
78. The Bathtub curve indicates failure probability, Which stage is NOT normally associated with the bathtub curve?
a. Normal-life where few failures occur
b. Wear-out where failure increases due to age
c. Infant-mortality where failures occur early
d. Pulling the plug where production is halted due to unacceptable level of failures
79. What is the area under a conditional Cumulative density function ?
a. 0
b. Infinity
c. 1
d. Changes with CDF
80. Markov analysis is a technique that deals with the probabilities of future occurrences by__________.
a. Using Bayes' theorem
b. Analyzing presently known probabilities
c. Time series forecasting
d. The maximal flow technique
81. Unreliability of the system represents with_______.
a. p
b. q
c. r
d. s
82. A transmission and distribution engineer needed to design the sub transmission substation. The tapping component needed is______.
a. Feeder
b. Distributor
c. Transmitter
d. Tap-changing transformer
83. Electric power is transferred from one location to another location by________.
a. Overhead line
b. Underground line
c. Both a and b
d. None of above
84. Value of A parameter of transmission line______.
a. Increases with increase in length of line
b. Decreases with increase in line length
c. Independent of line length
d. None of the above
85. The advantage of neutral earthing is _______.
a. Freedom from persistent arcing grounds
b. Over voltages due to lightning can be discharged to earth
c. Simplified design earth fault protection
d. All of the above
86. Grounding transformer is used where neutral_____ available.
a. Is
b. Is not
c. Any of above
d. None of above
87) |
According to Nature of load is
classified as |
a |
Resistive load |
b |
Inductive load |
c |
Capacitive load |
d |
Industrial load |
88) |
Load Factor of power station is generally |
a |
equal to unity |
b |
Less than unity |
c |
More than unity |
d |
Equal to zero diversity factor is always |
89) |
Which of the following is the essential requirement of peak load plant
? |
a |
It should run at high speed |
b |
It should produce high voltage |
c |
It should be small in size |
d |
It should be capable of
starting quickly |
90) |
Very Short term foresacting is used for ? |
a |
Improvement of transmission and distribution systems |
b |
Allocation of spinning reserve |
c |
Development of small generation schemes |
d |
Fuel Requirement |
91) |
what is time period of short term forecasting? |
a |
one day to one week |
b |
one day to two weeks |
c |
one day to 4 weeks |
d |
one day to 6 weeks |
92) |
What is need of load forcasting ? |
a |
To understand Energy Dificiency |
b |
To undetsand consumer intrest |
c |
To calculate load on power plant |
d |
To calculate total load connected |
93) |
Relation between the load and temperature is ? |
a |
Non-linear |
b |
Linear |
c |
Regressive |
d |
Uniform |
94) |
Which of the following load is occurs for short period ? |
a |
Industrial load |
b |
Commercial load |
c |
Residential load |
d |
Agricultural load |
95) |
To find weather load model we need ______ |
a |
Temprature |
b |
Historial Data |
c |
Time Period |
d |
Weather data |
96) |
Which of the following parameter does not come under random factor ? |
a |
School Hoilidays |
b |
Rainy Seasons |
c |
Weather |
d |
Temperature |
97) |
Which of following factor affects capacity of substation ? |
a |
Economic growth |
b |
Density of load |
c |
Tariff |
d |
Season |
98) |
Which of the following method used in 2020 for load forecasting ? |
a |
Univariate Model |
b |
Semi- parameter Additive Method |
c |
Expert system Method |
d |
Artificial Neutral network Model |
99) |
If r = 1 , then its called ________ |
a |
Perfect linear
Correlation |
b |
Perfect Negative Correlation |
c |
Perfect Non-linear Correlation |
d |
No Correlation |
100) |
If 0 < r <1 , then its
called ________ |
a |
Perfect Correlation |
b |
Negative Correlation |
c |
Non-linear Correlation |
d |
Positive Correlation |
101) |
Which of the following method is used for Peak Load Forecasting ? |
a |
Extrapolation Method |
b |
Trend Projection Method |
c |
Expert system Method |
d |
Artificial Neutral Network Model Method |
102) |
Average power is also called? |
a |
apparent power |
b |
reactive power |
c |
true power |
d |
instantaneous power |
103) |
The power factor=? |
a |
sinθ |
b |
cosθ |
c |
tanθ |
d |
cotθ |
104) |
The term lagging power factor is used in which circuits? |
a |
b |
RC |
c |
RL |
d |
LC |
105) |
The change in reactive power Q produces large effect on receiving end
voltage because |
a |
The voltage drop
associated with this change is in phase with reference voltage |
b |
The voltage drop associated with this change is in quadrature with
reference voltage |
c |
The voltage drop associated with this change has no relation
with reference voltage |
d |
The voltage drop associated with this change is in phase with
reference Current |
106) |
availability of adequate spinning reserve is made in |
a |
Long term planning |
b |
short term planning |
c |
outage term planning |
d |
medium term planning |
107) |
short fall of existing system is located in |
a |
Long term planning |
b |
short term planning |
c |
outage term planning |
d |
medium term planning |
108) |
planning for co-generation for reactive power support is made in |
a |
Long term planning |
b |
short term planning |
c |
outage term planning |
d |
medium term planning |
109) |
development of fuel contracts is made in |
a |
Long term planning |
b |
short term planning |
c |
outage term planning |
d |
medium term planning |
110) |
improvement of power factor can be made with the help of |
a |
average power planning |
b |
reactive power planning |
c |
real power planning |
d |
apparent power planning |
111) |
increase in power transfer capabilities of existing network can
carried out with the help of |
a |
average power planning |
b |
reactive power planning |
c |
real power planning |
d |
apparent power planning |
112) |
Load flow studies are carried out for |
a |
fault calcualation |
b |
stabiloty studies |
c |
system planning |
d |
frequency control |
113) |
Daily load curve is diveded into how many parts |
a |
1 |
b |
2 |
c |
3 |
d |
4 |
114) |
If ‘X’ is a random variable, taking values ‘x’, probability of success
and failure being ‘p’ and ‘q’ respectively and ‘n’ trials being conducted,
then what is the probability that ‘X’ takes values ‘x’? Use Binomial
Distribution |
a |
P(X = x) = nCx px qx |
b |
P(X = x)
= nCx px q(n-x) |
c |
P(X = x) = xCn qx p(n-x) |
d |
P(x = x) = xCn pn qx |
115) |
Reliability,R(t) is generally a decreasing function between the
limits…. |
a |
of 1 and 0.5 |
b |
of 0 and 0.5 |
c |
of 0.5 and 1 |
d |
of 1 and 0 |
116) |
Weibull distribution expression λ(t) = K t β-1 for t> 0, If β >1 represents |
a |
failure rate decreases with
time- wear out stage |
b |
failure rate increases
with time- wear out stage |
c |
failure rate constant - useful
life period |
d |
failure rate decreases with time- debugging region |
117) |
Let Ns(t)= number surviving at time t and Nf(t)= number failed at time
t from total No components,then the probability of failure is define as |
a |
1-Ns(t)/No |
b |
Nf(t)/No |
c |
Ns(t)/No |
d |
1- (Nf(t)/No) |
118) |
probability density function is define as |
a |
dQ(t)/dt |
b |
-dQ(t)/dt |
c |
dR(t)/dt |
d |
-dR(t)/dt |
119) |
A parallel system has 10 identical components. If the overall system
reliability must be at least 0.99, how poor can these components be? |
a |
0.134 |
b |
0.234 |
c |
0.396 |
d |
0.652 |
120) |
Weibull distribution expression λ(t) = K t β-1 for
t> 0, for wear out stage value of
β is |
a |
β >1 |
b |
β =1 |
c |
0< β <1 |
d |
β <1 |
121) |
Weibull distribution expression λ(t) = K t β-1 for
t> 0, for useful life period value of β is |
a |
β >1 |
b |
β =1 |
c |
0< β <1 |
d |
β <1 |
122) |
Weibull distribution expression λ(t) = K t β-1 for
t> 0, for time- debugging region value of β is |
a |
β >1 |
b |
β =1 |
c |
0< β <1 |
d |
β <1 |
123) |
If x is a continuous random variable with a probability density
function f(x). The epected value E(x) is given by |
a |
b |
c |
d |
124) |
The system consisting a single component having failure rate 1X10-6
f/hr, evaluate the probability of surviving for a period og 5000hr |
a |
0.8899 |
b |
0.9981 |
c |
0.995 |
d |
0.9985 |
125) |
The system is forming 4 tieset ,the system probability is given by the
equation |
a |
Rs = P(T1)UP(T2)UP(T3)UP(T4) |
b |
Rs = P(T1UT2UT3UT4) |
c |
Rs = P(T1UT2)UP(T3UT4) |
d |
Rs = P(T1UT2UT3)UP(T4) |
126) |
The system is forming 4 cutset ,the system unrelaibility is given by
the equation |
a |
Qs = P(C1UC2UC3UC4) |
b |
Qs = P(C1)UP(C2)UP(C3)Up(C4) |
c |
Qs = P(C1UC2)UP(C3UC4) |
d |
Qs = P(C1UC2UC3)UPC4) |
127) |
Unit of LOLE is |
a |
days/year |
b |
year/days |
c |
days |
d |
years |
128) |
Inversion of LOLE is often misinterpreted as |
a |
Duration Index |
b |
Time Index |
c |
Generation Index |
d |
Frequency Index |
129) |
Frequency and Duration Method |
a |
Requires Less Data than Basic Methods |
b |
Requires Additional Data
than Basic Methods |
c |
Requires same data as Basic Methods |
d |
Requires no data |
130) |
The LOLE method for calculation uses steady state availability and
unavailability for which of the following model |
a |
Markov Model |
b |
Two state model |
c |
Weather Model |
d |
Load Model |
131) |
Which of the following is not a proper classification based on time
scale for Generaation Planning |
a |
One Year Ahead |
b |
Two Year Ahead |
c |
Five Year Ahead |
d |
Ten Year Ahead |
132) |
Which of the following is not a factor affecting monthly planning |
a |
Scheduling of generator unit planned outages |
b |
Scheduling of transmission unit planned outages |
c |
Two Year System
Operation |
d |
Transient Security Assesment |
133) |
Which of the following is not a factor affecting yearly planning |
a |
Two Year System Operation |
b |
Five Year System Operation |
c |
Grid System Performance Report |
d |
Scheduling of unit
commitment |
134) |
In a four state model two state model is represented by |
a |
states 0 and 1 |
b |
states 1 and 2 |
c |
states 2 and 3 |
d |
states 0 and 3 |
135) |
In a four state mode failure to start condition is represented bythe
transition rate |
a |
states 0 to 1 |
b |
states 1 to 2 |
c |
states 2 to 3 |
d |
states 0 to 3 |
136) |
Overall probability that load demand will not met is called |
a |
b |
c |
d |
137) |
Formula for EIR= |
a |
1-LOLP |
b |
1-LOEE |
c |
1-LOEP |
d |
1-LOLE |
138) |
Study Period for LOLE study in days is |
a |
355 |
b |
360 |
c |
365 |
d |
370 |
139) |
The LOLE is 0.25104 days for the 20-day period. If the year is assumed
to be composed of a series of such periods, the annual LOLE in days/year is |
a |
4.55 |
b |
4.56 |
c |
4.57 |
d |
4.58 |
140) |
A single repairable generating unit capacity =20 MW. Availability
=0.98, mean time to repair r=2.010816 days. Total Operating Period is |
a |
100 days |
b |
101 days |
c |
102 days |
d |
103 days |
141) |
After commisioning new unit the Total System Capacity |
a |
Stops |
b |
Decreses |
c |
Increases |
d |
Remains Same |
142) |
If summation of LOLP =0.40652 then LOLE for 100% time represented by
365 days is |
a |
1.38 |
b |
1.48 |
c |
1.58 |
d |
1.68 |
143) |
For Modified PJM method 1) it extends the basic concepts 2) allows the
inclusion of rapid start units and other additional generating plant having
different individual lead times. |
a |
1 is correct |
b |
2 is correct |
c |
1 is correct but 2 is incorrect |
d |
2 is correct 1 is incorrect |
144) |
Is there any conceptual limit to the number of intervals which can be
used in practice ? |
a |
Yes limit is there |
b |
Yes limit is there but not on stand by modes |
c |
No limit but each unit on standby mode cannot be associated with its
own lead time. |
d |
No limit and each unit
on standby mode can be associated with its own lead time. |
145) |
Too many intervals leads to |
a |
wrong calculations |
b |
excessive usage of hardware |
c |
excessive computation |
d |
More protective units |
146) |
Lead time for eaich |
a |
typically may be 25 minutes and 5 hour
respectively |
b |
typically may be 5 hour and 25
minutes respectively |
c |
typically may be 1 hour and 10
minutes respectively |
d |
typically may be 10
minutes and 1 hour respectively |
147) |
The risk is reduced most significantly by the addition of the gas
turbines and these have a greater effect than the hot reserve units. |
a |
Because gas turbines can be started more quickly comparatively |
b |
Because these units are
able to affect the risk level over a much longer time period than the hot
reserve units. |
c |
Because gas turbines have less
stand by losses |
d |
Because gas turbines are capable of using a range of liquid and
gaseous fuels including synthetic fuels. |
148) |
Unit which fails during |
a |
Usually an acceptable |
b |
Usually acceptable |
c |
Not acceptable in planning studies but acceptable in operational
reserve |
d |
Not acceptable in both planning
studies and operational reserve |
149) |
The removal of the unit for repair can be delayed or postponed for up
to ……. Hour/s or more. |
a |
Half |
b |
1 |
c |
5 |
d |
24 |
150) |
Pump storage systems generally have…………... probability of failing to start. |
a |
very reasonable |
b |
moderately high |
c |
very |
d |
very |
151) |
If all unit failures could be postponed , |
a |
capacity outages would |
b |
capacity outages would |
c |
Neither capacity outages would |
d |
This is practically not possible |
152) |
Rapid start units such as gas |
a |
can respond extremely
quickly from standstill , decrease the response risk, increase the response magnitude |
b |
can respond extremely quickly from standstill but increase the
response risk |
c |
can respond extremely quickly from |
d |
can respond not very quickly from standstill , decrease the response
risk, increase the response magnitude |
153) |
What is full form of MORR? |
a |
Modified outage replacement
rate |
b |
Maryland Opioid Recovery Response |
c |
Movement Overspeed Resistance Reaction |
d |
Multi Overhead Reduction Ratio. |
154) |
1) Hydro units are very useful as spinning reserve units 2) Hydro units are cheaper
to operate than thermai units |
a |
1 is correct |
b |
2 is correct |
c |
Both 1 & 2 are
correct |
d |
2 is correct 1 is incorrect |
155) |
1)the risk decreases as the number of failures which can be postponed
increases. 2) less spinning reserve needs to be carried in order to achieve a
given level of risk. |
a |
1 and 2 are true and
related |
b |
1 and 2 are true but not related |
c |
1 and 2 are false and not related |
d |
1 is true but 2 is false |
156) |
The short response time of |
a |
the amount of time a storage
technology can maintain its output. |
b |
the period in which the units must respond in order |
c |
a change in the power consumption of an electric utility customer to
better match the demand for power with the supply. |
d |
the period in which sufficient capacity |
157) |
The longer response time represents |
a |
the period in which sufficient
capacity |
b |
period to adjust the demand for power instead of adjusting the supply. |
c |
with the capability to absorb and supply electrical energy for long
periods of time |
d |
the period in which the
units must respond in order |
158) |
Hydro units can usually respond to changes ………………….. than conventional
thermal units. |
a |
much more rapidly |
b |
slowly |
c |
at same rate as |
d |
invalid comparison |
159) |
the response rate may vary from about ………….of full capacity per minute
for hydro-electric plant to only …………...of full capacity per minute for some
types of thermal |
a |
30%, 1% |
b |
90%, 50% |
c |
50%, 90% |
d |
1%,30% |
160) |
in practice, units usually have a
……………...response rate. |
a |
linear |
b |
non-linear |
c |
differential |
d |
integral |
161) |
Types of rapid start units such as gas turbines can usually reach full
output within ……….minutes from standstill. |
a |
60 |
b |
5 |
c |
120 |
d |
1 |
162) |
1) The essence of allocating spinning reserve between units is to decide which of the committed units
should be dispatched and which should be held as reserve. These decisions can
be assisted by evaluating the probability of achieving a certain response or
regulating margin within the required response time. This assessment is known
as |
a |
Risk Impact Assessment |
b |
Plan Risk Response |
c |
Response Risk Evaluation |
d |
Risk Impact Mitigation |
163) |
A transmission and distribution engineer needed to design the sub
transmission substation. The tapping component needed is |
a |
Feeder |
b |
Distributor |
c |
Transmitter |
d |
Tap-changing transformer |
164) |
Which of these systems uses the 3 phase 4 wire system? |
a |
Primary distribution |
b |
Secondary distribution |
c |
Primary transmission |
d |
Secondary transmission |
165) |
Which type of system is generally adopted for the generation and
transmission of electrical power? |
a |
3 phase 4 wire |
b |
2 phase 3 wire |
c |
3 phase 3 wire |
d |
2 phase 4 wire |
166) |
Which is an example of
non-conventional energy souces? |
a |
coal |
b |
petroleum |
c |
gas |
d |
solar |
167) |
Out of the following which one is not a unconventional source of
energy ? |
a |
Tidal power |
b |
Geothermal energy |
c |
Nuclear energy |
d |
Wind power. |
168) |
Name the cable or conductor which connects the distributor to the
consumer terminals. |
a |
Service Mains |
b |
Distributor |
c |
Feeders |
d |
Both feeder and distributor |
169) |
The voltage of the single-phase supply to residential consumers is |
a |
110 V |
b |
230 V |
c |
440 V |
d |
320 V |
170) |
In transmission lines, the cross-arms are made of |
a |
Steel |
b |
Wood |
c |
R.C.C |
d |
Either Steel or Wood |
171) |
LOLE stands for |
a |
Loss of Line Expectation |
b |
Line of Loss Energy |
c |
Loss of Load Expectation |
d |
Loss of Load Energy |
172) |
LOEE stands for |
a |
Loss of Energy
Expectation |
b |
Loss of Expectation Energy |
c |
Loss of load Expectation |
d |
Loss of Electrical Energy |
173) |
The generating voltage and frequency in India is about? |
a |
11 kV and 60 Hz |
b |
11 kV and 50 Hz |
c |
220 kV and 60 Hz |
d |
220 kV and 50 Hz |
174) |
What is the highest possible transmission voltage in India? |
a |
675 kV |
b |
765 kV |
c |
132 kV |
d |
400 kV |
175) |
Which of the following materials are not used for the transmission and
distribution of electrical power? |
a |
Copper |
b |
Aluminum |
c |
Tungsten |
d |
Steel |
176) |
The distribution constant of the transmission line is |
a |
Resistance |
b |
Inductance |
c |
Capacitance |
d |
Resistance, Inductance,
Capacitance, Conductance |
177) |
Transformer connection at the sending end of a transmission line is
usually |
a |
Star-delta |
b |
Delta-delta |
c |
Delta-star |
d |
Star-star |
178) |
In short overhead transmission line (upto 80 km), we may neglect |
a |
Series resistance |
b |
Shunt conductance |
c |
Shunt capacitance |
d |
Both shunt conductance
and capacitance |
179) |
The EHV system in one operating beyond |
a |
11 kV |
b |
132 kV |
c |
200 kV |
d |
400 kV |
180) |
__________ is invariably used
as base load plant. |
a |
Diesel engine plant |
b |
Nuclear power plant |
c |
Gas turbine plant |
d |
Pumped storage plant |
181) |
During load shedding |
a |
system power factor is changed |
b |
some loads are switched
off |
c |
system voltage is reduced |
d |
system frequency is reduced |
182) |
The least share of power is provided in India. by which of the
following power plants? |
a |
Diesel power plants |
b |
Thermal power plants |
c |
Nuclear power plant |
d |
Hydro-electric power plants |
183) |
In method to find minimal cut set,If minimal path having components A
and C, then cutset of that path are |
a |
A,C |
b |
A |
c |
C |
d |
none of the mentioned |
184) |
A generating station has 3 units of 50 MW with FOR=0.04. What is
Probability for Capacity In of 50 MW and Capacity out 100 |
a |
0.88474 |
b |
0.11058 |
c |
0.0046 |
d |
0.00006 |
185) |
The reduction in risk is |
a |
simply by the presence of standby units in the system |
b |
by an operational decision to
start them at the decision point of t = 0. |
c |
simply by the presence
of standby units in the system and by
an operational decision to start them at the decision point of t = 0. |
d |
independent of stand by units and operational decision |
186) |
Which of the following is the essential requirement of peak load
plant? |
a |
It should run at high speed |
b |
It should produce high voltage |
c |
It should be small in size |
d |
It should be capable of
starting quickly |
187) |
Which one is considered as a weather independent
load or base load? |
A: |
Domestic load |
B: |
Commercial load |
C: |
Agriculture load |
D: |
Industrial load |
188) |
Energy forecasts are used to determine
_____________ |
A: |
capacity of generation , transmission and
distribution |
B: |
type of facilities required |
C: |
further development in load |
D: |
installing of new power plant |
189) |
What is the demand factor of residential load? |
A: |
70-95% |
B: |
90-95% |
C: |
75-85% |
D: |
85-95% |
190) |
Process in which the network specifications are
determined in an effective and reliable manner is known as: |
A: |
Load forecasting |
B: |
Reactive power planning |
C: |
Transmission planning |
D: |
Generation planning |
191) |
Which one is not an objective of reactive power
compensation? |
A: |
Power factor improvement |
B: |
Voltage support |
C: |
Harmonics elimination |
D: |
Frequency control |
192) |
Which one is a non-iterative load flow method? |
A: |
DC load flow method |
B: |
Gauss-Seidal load flow method |
C: |
Newton Raphson load flow method |
D: |
Decoupled load flow method |
193) |
What is the period of medium term planning? |
A: |
3-6 years |
B: |
3-8 years |
C: |
2-5 years |
D: |
3-5 years |
194) |
Which of the following statements is true about
bath-tub curve? |
A: |
The early phase represents wearout failures. |
B: |
The middle phase represents wearout failures. |
C: |
The last phase represents random failures. |
D: |
The middle phase represents random failures. |
195) |
A: |
B: |
C: |
D: |
196) |
Which of the following statement is true in
Reliability studies? |
A: |
A tieset fails only if all its components fails |
B: |
A system fails if any of its tie set fails |
C: |
A cutset fails only if all its components fails |
D: |
A system fails only if all of its
minimal cut set fails |
197) |
"The probability of a device performing it's
function adequately for the intended period of time under specified operating
condition" is |
A: |
Efficiency |
B: |
Planning |
C: |
Reliability |
D: |
Forecasting |
198) |
A system consists of 10 identical components all
of which must work for system success. What is the system reliability if
reliability of each component is 0.88? |
A: |
0.999 |
B: |
0.107 |
C: |
0.598 |
D: |
0.278 |
199) |
Loss of Energy Expectation for a study period
where Ei is the energy curtailment during an
outage Oi and pi is
the probability of the outage is given by: |
A: |
B: |
C: |
D: |
200) |
Probability of exactly r successes
or (n-r) failures in n trials having
probability of success p can be expressed using binomial
distribution as: |
A: |
B: |
C: |
| |
D: |
201) |
Which of the following statements is true about
A: |
The reciprocal of LOLE is a frequency parameter. |
B: |
LOLE in hrs/year is
obtained by multiplying the days/year value by 24 |
C: |
LOLE is the average number of time units that the load exceeds the available
generating capacity. |
D: |
LOLE measures the expected energy that will not
be supplied to the load. |
202) |
2-state Markov model is applicable for: |
A: |
Base load unit |
B: |
Rapid start unit |
C: |
Hot reserve unit |
D: |
Cold reserve unit |
203) |
Unit Availability is given as: |
A: |
µ/(µ+λ) |
B: |
r/(m+r) |
C: |
r/T |
D: |
λ/(µ+λ) |
204) |
What will the total power capacity in a system
when three 50 MW unit and one 70 MW unit is operated at FOR of 0.02 and 0.03
respectively? |
A: |
170MW |
B: |
150MW |
C: |
220MW |
D: |
70MW |
205) |
If FOR is 0.02 of five 25 MW generating capacity,
how much will be the operating if three units are in DOWN state? |
A: |
100 MW |
B: |
125 MW |
C: |
75 MW |
D: |
50 MW |
206) |
What is the probability when 50 MW unit is
operating if generating system consist of three 25 MW units each having FOR
of 0.04. |
A: |
0.1045 |
B: |
0.11 |
C: |
0.8847 |
D: |
0.8404 |
207) |
Which risk is associated with dispatch decision
of operating reserve unit? |
A: |
Unit commitment risk |
B: |
Response risk |
C: |
Energy index risk |
D: |
Failing to start risk |
208) |
Outage replacement rate of an operating reserve
unit with failure rate λ, repair rate µ and very
small lead time T is given by: |
A: |
B: |
C: |